The Complete Guide To Watering Succulents
SEP 10, 2021

There are many different varieties of succulents, from cacti to aloe vera to agave and much, much more. What all of these different plants have in common is that they store their water in their leaves or stems to be accessed when needed.
This storing mechanism is how succulents can survive in otherwise unforgiving climates that other plants may not be able to. This is also what makes them such excellent houseplants.
Having plants is scientifically proven to be an immensely rewarding endeavor, and succulents may just be one of the most rewarding plants out there. This makes sense because you see the fruits of your labor pay off relatively quickly, but there is not much work that needs to be done in terms of caring for them. Caring for a plant has actually been shown to make us happier and feel more fulfilled, as we can see our effort result in something beautiful and alive.
While their care is fairly straightforward, it is crucial to listen to your plant and pay attention to what it is telling you. There are a variety of signs that your succulent may display to get your attention and tell you what it needs. For the most part, these needs have to do with giving them the correct amount of indirect sunlight, and most importantly the act of watering them.
How Often Should You Water Your Succulent?
On average, succulents should be watered every seven to 10 days, but a helpful rule of thumb is to feel the soil around your plant. If it is completely dry, it is time to water. If it is still moist, give your succulent a bit more time to absorb all of the water around it, and then water. While this is a good guide to follow, exactly how often you should water your succulent can vary depending on the season, and where it is in its natural cycle.
When it comes to gorgeous succulents from Lula’s Garden, the watering process could not be simpler. Each succulent comes with its own dropper, perfect for making sure your plant is always properly hydrated. Just water each individual plant near its stem with between two and four full dropper amounts. Fill your dropper by squeezing the top of the dropper, and placing the tip within a small source of water. Once it is full, gently squeeze the top of the dropper near the stem of your plant to allow the water to disperse. Succulents are amazing plants, and they will be able to absorb the water you provided from the top of the soil.
Our planter boxes are perfect for the beginning of your succulent’s life, but they do not have in-built drainage holes. As a result, you will need to complete the easy process of replanting into a larger planter with drainage when it grows out of its original home.
Succulents Need Different Amounts of Water Depending on the Season
As mentioned, the exact amount of water succulents need will vary based on the season and climate. Over the course of a year, succulents follow a natural cycle of growth and dormancy that has different water requirements.
Many succulents go through a period of dormancy over the winter months, and this is completely normal. Their growth slows significantly to preserve resources and not waste unnecessary energy while experiencing this less hospitable climate.
Since there is so little growth occurring during this time, you may only need to water your plant a few times throughout the winter. It is easiest to accidentally overwater a succulent during this time because its hydration requirements are so low. Be sure to feel the soil, and pay attention to your plant’s specific needs.
After potential winter dormancy, a boom of growth can be expected in the spring and summer. As a result, succulents will need much more water in the spring than they did all winter. Pay attention to how much sunlight your succulent gets daily as well as how hot it is, as these are both integral to determining how much water your plant needs.
Other than the spring, the summer is when your succulent will experience the most growth it does all year. It is possible at points that the temperature will become so hot that it will go into a type of mini-dormancy to preserve energy as it does in the winter, but for the most part, this is a time of growth. Check on your succulent often, and make sure it is getting all the water it needs to successfully grow and weather this hot period.
As your succulent begins its transition into its winter state, it will start to require less water. There still may be a bit of growth that occurs over these months, but it will be minimal compared to growth seen in the spring and summer. As always, look after your plant and tend to its watering needs.
How To Know if You Are Watering Your Succulent Too Little
Other than feeling the soil to tell if it is dry and needs rehydrating, there are a few more ways to tell if your succulent requires more water. Try looking at the leaves and assessing their health.
Are they plump and healthy, or do they appear wrinkled or shriveled? If they are plump, that means that your succulent is storing a good amount of water to be absorbed when needed. Plump succulents are healthy succulents. Meanwhile, if the leaves are shriveled, your plant may be telling a different story.
Succulents with shriveled leaves generally get that way because they do not have water to store there. If you are not entirely sure if this applies to your plant, feel them. If they bend easily, this is another telltale sign that your succulent is in need of water.
How To Know if You Are Watering Your Succulent Too Much
The other side of a dry, underwatered succulent is of course one that has been overwatered. While underwatered succulents may not necessarily change color, overwatered ones often will.
If there is any odd coloration to your plant’s leaves, this is cause for heightened awareness. Next, look at the leaves. A healthy succulent will have leaves that are plump and firm, but one that has been overhydrated will have leaves that are almost squishy.
Overwatering succulents can lead to root rot and other maladies. If you believe your plant has been overwatered, there are a few things that can be done to help it.
First, move it to a spot where it gets a good amount of indirect sunlight and allow it to dry out for several days. If this does not work, consider removing it from the overly wet soil and placing it in new, dry soil. Finally, if all else fails, trimmings from the roots and leaves can be used to grow new, healthy plants.
Caring for Your Succulent All Year Long
A succulent is a plant that gives back tremendously to the one who cares for it. Without much effort, your space is elevated significantly compared to what it was before, as there is now a thriving, natural source constantly available.
Whether you choose to put your succulent in the home, the workplace, or somewhere else entirely, it is sure to be a companion that brings you much joy as you go about your day.
Why Indoor Plants Make You Feel Better | NBC News
How Often Do You Water Succulents? | HGTV.